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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - forward


Связанные словари


 I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English foreweard, from fore- + -weard -ward  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. near, being at, or belonging to the forepart  b. situated in advance  2.  a. strongly inclined ; ready  b. lacking modesty or reserve ; brash  3. notably advanced or developed ; precocious  4. moving, tending, or leading toward a position in front; also moving toward an opponent's goal  5.  a. advocating an advanced policy in the direction of what is considered progress  b. extreme, radical  6. of, relating to, or getting ready for the future ~ buying of produce  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. adverb  Date: before 12th century to or toward what is ahead or in front from that time ~ moved slowly ~  III. transitive verb  Date: 1596  1. to help onward ; promote ~ed his friend's career  2.  a. to send ~ ; transmit will ~ the goods on receipt of your check  b. to send or ship onward from an intermediate post or station in transit ~ mail  Synonyms: see advance  IV. noun  Date: 1879 a player who plays at the front of his team's formation near the goal at which his team is attempting to score
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  adj., n., adv., & v. --adj. 1 lying in one's line of motion. 2 a onward or towards the front. b Naut. belonging to the fore part of a ship. 3 precocious; bold in manner; presumptuous. 4 Commerce relating to future produce, delivery, etc. (forward contract). 5 a advanced; progressing towards or approaching maturity or completion. b (of a plant etc.) well advanced or early. --n. an attacking player positioned near the front of a team in football, hockey, etc. --adv. 1 to the front; into prominence (come forward; move forward). 2 in advance; ahead (sent them forward). 3 onward so as to make progress (not getting any further forward). 4 towards the future; continuously onwards (from this time forward). 5 (also forwards) a towards the front in the direction one is facing. b in the normal direction of motion or of traversal. c with continuous forward motion (backwards and forwards; rushing forward). 6 Naut. & Aeron. in, near, or towards the bow or nose. --v.tr. 1 a send (a letter etc.) on to a further destination. b dispatch (goods etc.) (forwarding agent). 2 help to advance; promote. Phrases and idioms forward-looking progressive; favouring change. Derivatives forwarder n. forwardly adv. forwardness n. (esp. in sense 3 of adj.). Etymology: OE forweard, var. of forthweard (as FORTH, -WARD) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) вперед 2) впредь 3) дальше 4) направленный вперед 5) опережающий 6) передний 7) передовой 8) поступательный 9) способствовать 10) ускорять carry forward azimuth — определять азимут дальнейшего хода forward conduction region — область прямой проводимости forward interpolation formula — формула для интерполирования вперед forward motion of sweep — прямой ход развертки forward path of graph — путь графа forward recovery time — время прямого восстановления forward recurrence time — прямое время возвращения forward round-the-world echo — прямой кругосветный сигнал fuselage forward section — аэро отсек передний фюзеляжа sweep wings forward — уменьшать стреловидность - counting forward - forward arc - forward carry - forward circuit - forward conductance - forward contraction - forward correspondence - forward current - forward derivative - forward direction - forward draught - forward eccentric - forward edge - forward elimination - forward force - forward fuselage - forward induction - forward intake - forward integration - forward interpolating - forward interpolation - forward loop - forward mode - forward motion - forward mounting - forward mutation - forward octant - forward overhand - forward pass - forward path - forward peak - forward process - forward quote - forward recurrence - forward scattering - forward section - forward semisphere - forward sequence - forward shift - forward sighting - forward step - forward substitution - forward system - forward transformation - forward visibility - forward voltage - set watch forward - view forward ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. прил. 1) общ. передний 2) общ. передовой, прогрессивный; ведущий вперед других, лидирующий; лучший 3) общ. рассчитанный на будущее See: forward P/E, forward PER forward price forward pricing, forward rate 4) общ. всюду сующийся; нахальный, наглый, развязный 5) общ. заблаговременный, предварительный 6) эк. форвардный (о закупках, контрактах: поставляемый со сроком в будущем) "Forward delivery" means that the goods will be delivered at a future date. — Форвардная поставка означает, что товар будет поставлен к некоторой будущей дате. See: forward buying, forward commitment, forward contract, forward deal, forward delivery, forward exchange agreement, forward exchange contract, forward exchange rate, forward exchange transaction, forward margin, forward market, forward market hedge, forward maturity, forward order, forward purchase, forward rate agreement, forward reversing option, forward sale, forward selling, forward spread agreement, forward start swap, forward transaction, discount on forward rate, implied forward rate, premium on forward rate 7) общ. ранний, скороспелый, преждевременный 2. нар. 1) общ. с этого момента, отныне, впредь 2) общ. в будущем Maize still dear, but cheaper forward. — Кукуруза все еще дорога, но в будущем подешевеет. 3) общ. вперед, от себя, дальше See: forward looking indicators 4) общ. спереди, на виду 3. сущ. 1) спорт нападающий, форвард 2) часто мн. форвардный контракт Syn: forward contract See: at-the-money forward, break-forward, municipal forwards, out of the money forward, outright forward, participation...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) ускорять; помогать, способствовать 2) ранний, скороспелый ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. спорт. нападающий (игрок); форвард centre forward —- центральный нападающий, центрфорвард 2. передний, передовой forward echelon —- воен. первый (головной) эшелон 3. передовой, прогрессивный forward magazine —- прогрессивный (передовой) журнал forward movement —- прогрессивное движение 4. рассчитанный на будущее forward planning —- перспективное планирование 5. лучший, выдающийся forward pupil —- лучший ученик 6. ранний forward spring —- ранняя весна forward for the season —- не по сезону ранний to be forward with one's work —- досрочно выполнить работу 7. слишком рано развившийся forward child —- не по годам развитой ребенок 8. радикальный, действенный, решительный 9. готовый, стремящийся (что-л. сделать) to be forward to assist —- быть готовым помочь 10. навязчивый; развязный, нахальный forward minx —- нахальная девчонка 11. ком. заблаговременный; срочный, на определенный срок; будущий 12. вперед, дальше forward! —- вперед! to go forward —- продолжать to send forward —- посылать вперед to put forward —- продвигать, выдвигать 13. впредь, далее; вперед from this time forward —- с этого времени (впредь) Id: forward and backward —- взад и вперед Id: to look forward to smth. —- предвкушать что-л. Id: to put (to set) oneself forward —- важничать; быть о себе слишком высокого мнения Id: carriage forward —- ком. за...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  estimate предварительная смета/оценка FORWARD  1. adj.  1) передний  2) передовой, прогрессивный  3) идущий впереди других; работающий/успевающий лучше других  4) готовый (помочь и т.п.)  5) всюду сующийся; развязный; нахальный  6) ранний; скороспелый; преждевременный; необычно ранний  7) заблаговременный (о закупках, контрактах); - forward estimate Syn: see bold  2. adv.  1) вперед; дальше  2) вперед, впредь from this time forward - с этого времени to look forward - смотреть в будущее backward(s) and forward(s) - взад и вперед to look forward to smth. - предвкушать что-л.  3. noun sport нападающий (в футболе) - centre forward  4. v.  1) ускорять; помогать, способствовать to forward a scheme - продвигать проект  2) отправлять, пересылать; посылать, препровождать (to) Please forward any letters to me while Im on holiday. I have asked the post office to forward my post to my mothers address. Syn: see send  5. interj. вперед! ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (forwards, forwarding, forwarded) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. Note: In addition to the uses shown below, 'forward' is also used in phrasal verbs such as ‘bring forward’ and ‘look forward to’. In British English, 'forwards' is often used as an adverb instead of 'forward' in senses 1, 3, and 6. 1. If you move or look forward, you move or look in a direction that is in front of you. In British English, you can also move or look forwards. He came forward with his hand out. ‘Mr and Mrs Selby?’ he enquired... She fell forwards on to her face... ? backwards ADV: ADV after v 2. Forward means in a position near the front of something such as a building or a vehicle. The best seats are in the aisle and as far forward as possible... The other car had a 3-inch lower driving seat and had its engine mounted further forward. ADV: be ADV, ADV after v • Forward is also an adjective. Reinforcements were needed to allow more troops to move to forward positions. ADJ: ADJ n 3. If you say that someone looks forward, you approve of them because they think about what will happen in the future and plan for it. In British English, you can also say that someone looks forwards. Now the leadership wants to look forward, and to outline a strategy for the rest of the century... People should forget and look forwards... Manchester United has always been a forward-looking club. ADV: usu ADV after v, also ADV adj c darkgreen]approval • Forward is also an adjective. The university system requires more forward planning. ADJ: ADJ n 4. If you put a clock or watch forward, you change the time shown on it so that it shows a later time, for example when the time changes to summer time or daylight saving time. When we put the clocks forward in March we go into British Summer Time. ADV: ADV after v 5. When you are referring to a particular time, if you say that something was true from that time forward, you mean that it became true at that time, and continued to...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adv 1 also forwards towards a place or position that is in front of you  (He leaned forward slightly to try to hear what they were saying. | The crowd surged forwards.) 2 towards greater progress, improvement, or development  (The building of the new sports stadium is going forward. | trying to find a way forward in the peace talks) 3 towards the future in a way that is hopeful  (This is just the moment at which companies should be looking forward.) 4 from that day/time/moment etc forward beginning on that day or at that time  (They never met again from that day forward.) 5 in or towards the front part of a ship  (- compare aft, backwards, - see also fast forward, look forward to look1, backwards and forwards backwards (4)) ~2 adj 1 only before noun directed towards a place or position that is in front of you  (Army roadblocks prevented any further forward movement.) 2 forward planning/thinking the act of making plans so that you will be prepared for what will happen in the future  (Forward planning is essential if you want the venture to succeed.) 3 no further forward not having made much progress, especially compared to what was expected  (We've been trying to find a solution for weeks but we're no further forward.) 4 only before noun situated at or near the front of a ship, vehicle, building etc  (We sat in one of the forward sections of the train.) 5 formal too confident and friendly in dealing with people you do not know very well  (She was careful in what she said, having no wish to sound forward.)  (- compare backward) ~3 v 1 to send letters, goods etc to someone, especially when they have moved to a new address  (We will forward the goods on receipt of your cheque. | forward sth to sb)  (Can you forward my mail to me, please?) 2 formal to help something to develop so that it becomes successful  (I see this new responsibility as a good chance to forward my career.) ~4 n an attacking player on a team in sports such as football, basketball etc ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. foreweard "toward the front." The verb is first recorded 1596. Sense of "early" is from 1526; that of "presumptuous" is attested from 1561. The position in football so called since 1879. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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